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VAT Registration & Deregistration

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) has brought about significant changes in the way businesses operate and manage their financial affairs. VAT registration is a crucial requirement, and it is incumbent upon businesses to adhere to these regulations diligently. On the flip side, there may come a time when businesses need to consider VAT deregistration. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the intricacies of VAT registration and the reasons why deregistration may be necessary.

VAT Registration: A Mandatory Step for Businesses

VAT registration is mandatory for businesses in the UAE, and it is crucial to understand the requirements and procedures involved. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Threshold for Registration: All businesses with an annual revenue of Dh 375,000 or more are required to submit their VAT registration applications online within 30 days of reaching this threshold.
  2. Voluntary Registration: Businesses with an annual revenue below the mandatory threshold may opt for voluntary VAT registration. This can be advantageous for businesses that want to reclaim input VAT and compete effectively in the market.
  3. Registration Process: The VAT registration process involves submitting the necessary documentation and information to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). This includes details about the business, its operations, financial records, and more.
  4. Tax Group Registration: In some cases, multiple entities within the same group can apply for tax group registration, which allows them to be treated as a single taxable entity for VAT purposes.
  5. VAT Compliance: Once registered, businesses must comply with VAT regulations, including filing regular VAT returns, maintaining proper records, and charging and collecting VAT from customers.

VAT Deregistration: Understanding the Process

VAT deregistration, also known as the termination of VAT registration, is a process that allows businesses to cancel their VAT registration with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). This may be necessary for various reasons, but it is essential that businesses meet the specific conditions defined by UAE VAT laws. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Reasons for Deregistration: There could be several reasons why a previously registered business or individual may choose to cancel their VAT registration in the UAE. Common reasons include:
  • Ceasing business operations
  • Falling below the mandatory threshold for registration
  • No longer making taxable supplies.
  • Transferring the business to another entity


  1. Deregistration Process: The process of VAT deregistration involves notifying the FTA of the intent to cancel the registration. The FTA will review the request and may request additional documentation or information.
  2. Impact of Deregistration: Once deregistered, businesses are no longer required to charge or collect VAT on their supplies. They are also not eligible to reclaim input VAT on expenses.
  3. Timing of Deregistration: It is essential to initiate the deregistration process promptly when the relevant conditions are met to avoid non-compliance with VAT regulations.
  4. Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failure to adhere to VAT deregistration requirements can result in penalties and legal complications.

Seeking Professional Assistance

Navigating VAT registration and deregistration in the UAE can be complex, and it is advisable to seek professional assistance to ensure compliance with tax regulations. A qualified tax consultant can provide guidance on the registration process, help businesses remain in compliance, and assist in the deregistration process when necessary.

In conclusion, VAT registration and deregistration are essential aspects of VAT compliance for businesses in the UAE. Understanding the requirements, adhering to regulations, and seeking professional guidance can help businesses effectively manage their tax responsibilities and avoid potential issues with tax authorities. Whether it’s registering for VAT to benefit from input tax recovery or initiating the deregistration process due to changing circumstances, businesses should approach VAT matters with diligence and accuracy to maintain financial transparency and compliance.